At Vital Wild, we offer kids ages 6+ structured opportunities to bring their self-guided learning outdoors & into their community, all while developing valuable bonds with peers. Our enriched yet casual programs are designed both for home-educated & school-based students and focus on promoting independence and self-confidence while making new friends and learning exciting & useful skills. Read on to find out more and discover if one or more of our Year-Round offerings is a good fit for your child
(or get in touch with us to schedule a tour!)
Ages 6-12, Mondays from 9-3
Like everything we offer at Vital Wild, our Monday program will encourage kids to get out of their comfort zones and embrace new challenges. We'll practice being in a group, honoring each person's turn to speak, and sharing with one another our successes & victories, as well as our goals. In addition to plenty of free play time with our mixed-age group, we'll offer structured opportunities for collaboration and cooperation, as well as loads of exposure to a range of useful life skills (see below)
This offering is for children between 6-12 and will run *most Mondays* starting September 19. The standard rate is $60/day, with options for work-trade/sliding scale available. Families are asked to pack enough lunch, snacks, and water for an active day!
knot tying
shelter making
fire making/tending
earthen building
food growing & foraging
dehydration & fermentation
plant ID
mushroom cultivation
solar baking
Find the application for Mondays at the bottom of this page
Ages 6-12, 9am-3pm (ish)
End the week on a positive note with our Friday Field Trip Program!
We'll cap each week with a fun, student-lead field trip out into our community.
--A visit to the dairy and cheese caves in Trout Lake, perhaps?
--Learning how bread is made at the local bakery?
--Getting a tour of the equipment at the firehouse?
There are SO MANY things to learn about, and what better way than through a first-hand experience!?
Trips will take place on *most* Fridays throughout the school year.
These fun-filled, small group ed-ventures will vary somewhat in price and length, depending on the destination, and will be announced roughly 1 month in advance.
Each semi-private day trip will have LIMITED SPACE, and either 1 or 2 responsible chaperones/drivers (provided by Vital Wild).
Cost (to be set during the planning phase) will include admission and gas, and is estimated to range between 70-$110/child/trip. Families will pack enough lunch, snacks, and water for an active day. Contact us to discuss sliding scale or work-trade options for this offering.
Please fill out the application (at bottom of the page) to be added to the list and among the first to know when a new Field Trip is announced!